Common Good Radio, an Internet radio and podcast project, sharing hope with children through music, word, prayer, and scripture.
We bring musicto the ears of children that will support faithful listening, singing and wonder. We aim to nurture compassionate living through arts expression.
We support stimulating creative imagination and share the hope and goodness that music and voice can relate.
As adults, we know that digital culture is here to stay and is part of your world, which makes it a part of the world your children live in. We created Common Good Radio™ so in this digital culture you and the children in your life or sphere of influence would have:
A faithful companion when online
A joyful reminder of scripture, ideas and voices that speak to the discovery of a spiritual journey
Support for the faith centered life you and the children you love seek
A social justice response to commercial media targeting children in the 21st century
Thank you for keeping us in your prayers and helping us grow!
We help young people record their ideas and core values. Dr Blair listens to a young aspiring broadcaster share his!
Donate to CGR
Make your tax deductible donation here! Common Good Radio‘s missional efforts are all volunteer but we have bills to pay and a small budget to get it all done. Your donation will help keep us present online so kids have something to encourage imagination, music, arts as an expression of faith, and the idea that we can share things for the common good. (More info about your donation)
Subscribe to the Podcast
Created and produced for Odyssey Networks, The Faith Parenting Podcast will offer weekly interviews with people who are parents and have scholarly expertise in parenting. You will hear from clergy, educators, authors and musicians about ways to develop compassion, encourage imagination and deepen that spiritual connection you already have with your child.