In a surprise visit, Pastor Robin met with a group of high school students at one of the United Methodist Churches in south Florida in the wake of Parkland and the national crisis of school shootings.
In the past, Reverend Dr. Robin Blair has had the privilege to speak with dozens of younger students across the country. It was clear that this particular group, following shootings so near to home, had a variety of different responses- and while no one is okay with gun violence in schools, the reality of constant threats and the appeal of simply keeping one's head down or doing what one has to do to protect oneself is a tempting one. How does faith play a role in our children's lives as they grow older in this violent culture? Has the ongoing crisis of school shootings become so ubiquitous by high school that our older students are forced to take them in stride?
These students are not the activists that were portrayed in the news coverage following the Parkland tragedies. They're youth members in suburban Florida who aren't as eager to share their stories and pain. We hope that you will hear the tension in this conversation and empathize with the struggle of everyday life in high school, and how present danger can seem to be around every corner. Join us and Pastor Robin as we sit in with these strong teens.